How To Use A Crystal Pendulum .

How To Use A Crystal Pendulum .

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How To Use A Crystal Pendulum

Proponents of the power a crystal pendulum holds attest to its amazing ability to heal and purify the mind and body. The art of divination with pendulums is also widely acknowledged by many cultures and religions, including ancient and modern such as Wicca and many sects within the New Age Movement.

At Crystal Visions we have a massive variety of high-quality natural crystals from ethical and sustainable sources. These are worked by practised hands and blessed during ritual to assure they are ready for use in religious, spiritual, or magical contexts. The Crystal Pendulum section of our online store allows you to buy the crystal pendulum perfect for any intention you may have. Here is some information on how they work and how to use them.

Buy Crystal Pendulum To Manifest Intentions

We have a crystal pendulum for sale to manifest almost any positive intention you could want. Different kinds of crystals transmit different energy, almost in the same way an antenna picks up radio signals. When combined with the motion and force of a pendulum they can become much more effective.


The motion of a pendulum in itself, and how they have been used for centuries, have mystical connotations. A pendulum, of course, is a freely swinging weight suspended from a pivot. The restoring force of gravity works to pull it back to equilibrium and rest whenever it swings.

Pendulums have been studied and used scientifically beginning with Galileo in the early 1600s. Only a few decades later the pendulum clock was invented, which had an accuracy of one second per year and was the standard for timekeeping up until the 1930s. An interesting note in relation to the subject of this article is that its replacement 270 years later was by the quartz clock - which uses quartz crystal.

crystal pendulum

Combining crystals and the motion of a pendulum was a natural evolution within occultism and many religions or spiritualities involving the supernatural. It is believed that because crystalline structures are made by their atoms being thus arranged through magmatic and metamorphic processes deep within the Earth, they become conduits of Nature’s cosmic energy. Different types of crystalline rocks - quartz, agate, amethyst, moonstone, etc. - radiate different energy due to the differences in their process of solidification.

And because a pendulum is controlled by the restoring force of Earth’s gravity - germane to the energies of Nature and crystals - it only enhances the crystal’s emanations. To use a crystal pendulum for manifesting, you can either wear them, suspend them in your home, or set them in a swinging motion yourself while focusing on the intention.

If you are looking to buy a crystal pendulum, we recommend that you choose the crystal that best corresponds to the intention you are trying to manifest.

pendulum reading

Choosing The Right Crystal Pendulum

An example of what an individual crystal pendulum for sale at Crystal Visions can help to manifest is our Clear Quarz Pendulum. Clear Quartz is known as the Master Healer among crystals, and is widely used in a range of metaphysical purposes. Clear Quartz is wonderful for any ailment or healing intention. It stimulates the nervous system. Clear Quartz draws off negative energy of all kinds, neutralising background radiation, including electromagnetic smog or petrochemical emanations. It cleanses the organs, brings the body into balance, and stimulates the immune system.

The Tiger Eye Pendulum is renowned for its therapeutic prowess. The Tiger Eye crystal has been used to treat injuries to the eyes and throat, as well as impart power to the reproductive organs, release toxins, alleviate pain, and is even helpful in repairing broken bones and strengthening the alignment of the spinal column. Tiger Eye is also commonly carried as an amulet of protection and a bringer of good fortune.

Choose an Amethyst Pendulum if you need to relieve stress, soothe irritability, balance your moods, or dispel anger, fear, and anxiety. Amethyst crystals are also said to strengthen the immune system, fight off cancer, destroy malignant tumours, and assist in tissue regeneration.

divination pendulum

Divination With Pendulums

Divination is the act of acquiring answers to questions through rituals or supernatural processes. Pendulums have a long history in occult divination, most famously through association with dowsing. Practitioners of dowsing assess the rhythmic swinging of pendulums to locate things buried in the Earth, such as water, gravesites, metals, and other materials.

You can perform divination with pendulums made from crystals fairly easily, though you should keep in mind that you are limited to a ‘yes’ or ‘no’ answer. The first thing you will need to do is establish how your crystal pendulum answers ‘yes’ or ‘no’. The process works by holding your crystal pendulum out in front of you motionless while focusing on directing your question towards it. It will eventually begin to swing on its own and you need to judge the answer by its movements - for example, if it begins by swinging to the left or to the right, backward or forward.

To establish how your crystal pendulum communicates its answers, begin by asking it a simple ‘yes’ or ‘no’ question you already know the answer to. That initial movement it makes will be applied as the answer to every question you ask in the future.

In addition to clearing your mind beforehand and focusing your mind intently on the question, it’s also important to trust your intuition in interpreting the answer the crystal pendulum gives. It may move differently at times, either swinging more forcibly or less, or back to front rather than left to right. Your mood as well as the crystal’s mood can affect the consistency. You should cleanse the crystal pendulum periodically to rid it of previous energy by rinsing it in water and/or placing it in the light of a full moon to recharge.


Crystal Visions

The Crystal Visions Store has unique crystal pendulums you can use to manifest intentions as well as answer vexing questions. Be sure to buy the crystal pendulum best suited for your purposes. Also, it’s important to stay focused and cleanse your crystal from time to time to get the best results. Browse our beautiful collection today at Crystal Visions.

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