How to Pick the Perfect Healing Crystal & Find the Best Online Crystal Shop

How to Pick the Perfect Healing Crystal & Find the Best Online Crystal Shop

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Hey there, crystal enthusiasts! Are you ready to dive into the fascinating world of healing crystals? Choosing a new crystal can be an exhilarating adventure, but we understand that it can also feel a tad overwhelming, especially when you can't physically hold the crystal before buying it. Finding the right online crystal shop for you can be tricky at times. Fear not, though, because we've got some exciting tips to help you find the ideal crystal that speaks to your soul!

Follow Your Intuition

Trust your instincts! Sometimes, a crystal will naturally draw you in, almost like it's saying, "Hey, pick me!" Feel its energy and let your mind connect with its vibes. If it feels like a match made in crystal heaven, you've found your perfect companion. Remember, it's often said that crystals choose us, not the other way around! Doing some online crystal shopping? No worries! Even without physical contact, you can still rely on your intuition. Take a virtual tour of the crystal offerings and let your instincts guide you. Is there a stone that catches your eye? Do you keep finding yourself going back to a particular crystal? Bingo! That's the one calling out to you. Trust in your intuition and subconscious—they have a knack for finding the perfect crystal, even if you're not consciously aware of it.

online crystal shop

Dowsing: An Ancient Art

If you're not entirely comfortable relying solely on intuition, we've got you covered with some alternative methods. Ever heard of dowsing? It's an ancient practice that's been used for all sorts of things, including choosing crystals. You can give it a go using your fingers or a crystal pendulum.

To finger dowse, create a loop by connecting your thumb and forefinger on your non-dominant hand. Then, put your other thumb and finger through the loop in the same way. Hold this position over a crystal or a picture of a crystal online and ask if it's the right one for you. Pull your hands apart. If the loop breaks, it's a no. If it holds, congratulations! You've found your crystal match.


Pendulum Power

Got a crystal pendulum lying around? It's another fabulous way to determine if a crystal is meant for you. Hold the pendulum above a crystal or a picture of one. But before asking about the crystal, start by posing a question you already know the answer to. This will help establish the direction for "yes" and "no" responses. Once you've determined that, you can ask the pendulum about the crystal. Over time, you might grow more comfortable with trusting your intuition, and these methods will become less necessary.


Patience is Key

Sometimes, despite all your efforts, you won't feel an immediate connection with any of the crystals you come across—whether doing online crystal shopping or in-store. Don't fret! It takes time to find the stone that's right for you in that moment. Remember, forcing a crystal into your life won't be of much help. If you're not attracted to a crystal or it doesn't vibe with you, it's perfectly okay to move on and keep searching. The right crystal will present itself at the right time. 

crystals online

Embrace the Unexpected

Keep an open mind throughout your crystal journey. While it's great to have an idea of what you want a crystal to help you with, don't get too fixated on specific meanings or properties. Sometimes, the crystal you least expect might turn out to be your perfect match! So, don't set too many expectations and be open to different possibilities. Ultimately, trust your instincts and go with what feels right for you.

online crystal shop

What about choosing an online crystal shop? Here are our best tips;

Buying crystals online can be both thrilling and overwhelming, especially when you can't physically interact with them. But fear not! We've got some fantastic tips to make your online crystal shopping experience fun, informative, and successful. So buckle up and get ready to find the perfect crystal that resonates with your soul!

  1. Trust the Personal Recommendations - When venturing into the realm of online crystal shopping, it's always helpful to seek recommendations from friends who share your passion. Friends who have had positive experiences can guide you towards trustworthy crystal shops. Their insights will steer you away from any potential troubles and ensure you're on the right track.

  2. Crystal Variety - A reputable online crystal shop will offer a wide range of crystal variations. Having a diverse collection allows you to explore different energy streams and find crystals that suit your preferences and budget. Look for online stores with a comprehensive "Collections" section on their website. This will give you a glimpse of their extensive crystal selection and help you make an informed choice.

  3. Harness the Power of Online Reviews - In the digital age, online reviews are a powerful tool for assessing the credibility of a business. Check out the crystal shop's reviews on platforms like Facebook and Google+. Do they have a multitude of positive feedback? Are customers satisfied with the quality, delivery times, and support? Focus on reviews that align with your priorities, and you'll gain valuable insights into the shop's reputation and reliability. You can view all of our reviews here.

  4. Seek Excellent Customer Support - Even the best online businesses encounter occasional hiccups. What sets them apart is how they handle these issues. A reliable crystal shop will provide exceptional customer support and swiftly address any concerns that arise. They'll go above and beyond to track down missing parcels and ensure your satisfaction. Look for shops with accessible live chat options and prompt responses to inquiries. You can contact us here at Crystal Visions via our chat feature on the website, Facebook, Instagram or TikTok. You can also email us anytime at

  5. Engage with Social Media - A crystal shop that actively engages on social media platforms like Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram demonstrates its commitment to customer support. Vibrant and beautiful images on their social media channels indicate a reputable brand that cares about its customers. You will notice that we have over 30 000 followers on Facebook, over 12 000 on Instagram and 3800 on Tiktok

  6. Crystal Clear Imagery -  High-quality images are essential when buying crystals online. A trustworthy crystal shop will invest time and effort in capturing detailed and visually appealing photos of their crystals. These images allow you to admire each crystal's natural beauty, including any unique inclusions or characteristics. Look for shops that go the extra mile and provide videos showcasing their key products, like salt lamps, selenite tower lamps, and geodes. You can ask us here at Crystal Visions for video any time via our Facebook or Instagram pages. 

  7. Attention to Shipping and Packaging - The care and attention given to packaging your crystals speak volumes about a crystal shop's commitment to customer satisfaction. Receiving your crystals in pristine condition is crucial. Look for shops that ensure your delicate crystal pieces are meticulously wrapped in bubble wrap or other protective materials. 
    At Crystal Visions are all about doing our part to protect our beautiful planet, so we use environmentally friendly or recycled packaging materials. We also Carbon Offset all our shipping via Planet

crystal grid

Begin Your Crystal Adventure - Buying crystals online in Australia is an incredibly fun experience. It's not just reserved for pricey pieces; there are affordable options available too. If you're uncertain, start with a smaller order to test the shop's quality and service. As you build a relationship with a trusted online crystal shop, you can confidently continue buying regularly. Establishing email communication with them may even open doors to sourcing your favourite crystals that aren't currently in stock.

Avoiding Fake Crystals - While it's uncommon, it's essential to be cautious about counterfeit crystals. Reputable crystal shops prioritize positive energy and strive to provide beautiful, high-quality crystals. Reading testimonials and feedback from customers.

At Crystal Visions, we are always happy to send more photos or videos of any crystals you may be interested in, simply contact us via chat on our website or message us via Facebook or Instagram. We are always more than happy to help if you have any questions or concerns. Carla is a Crystal Witch and Crystal Healer and can even select crystals for you intuitively when requested.

There you have it, crystal lovers! We hope this fun and informative guide has given you the confidence to choose your next healing crystal, whether you're shopping online or exploring a shop in person. Remember, the crystal that's meant for you is waiting to be discovered—so go out there and let the magic unfold! 

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