Intention Setting With Crystals

Intention Setting With Crystals

Carla Carla March 16th, 2018 5 minute read CRYSTAL RITUALS | MUST READS FOR BEGINNERS

Did you know that it's important to set intentions with your crystals? While all crystals have certain properties that they naturally possess and things they can support you in, it's important to let your crystals know exactly what you would like them... more »

Methods For Cleansing Your Crystals

Methods For Cleansing Your Crystals

Carla Carla March 14th, 2018 5 minute read HOW TO CLEANSE CRYSTALS | MUST READS FOR BEGINNERS

Many of you have probably heard about the importance of cleansing crystals and may have performed this ritual yourself. Crystals can absorb energy from you and the environment around them. This energy may be positive or negative, but over time the... more »

Setting Intentions with the New Moon

Setting Intentions with the New Moon

Carla Carla April 5th, 2017 7 minute read CRYSTAL RITUALS | MUST READS FOR BEGINNERS

Happy New Moon everyone! The New Moon is a fresh start. When the Moon is in this phase, you can barely see it, and the sky can appear black. It's all about rebirth, renewal and clearing away the old, to make room for the new. So now is a wonderful time to... more »

How To Make a Crystal Grid: An Introduction To Crystal Grids

How To Make a Crystal Grid: An Introduction To Crystal Grids


Crystal Grids are an incredibly powerful and beautiful way to manifest your dreams, goals and intentions. They are also powerful healing tools. The power of a crystal grid comes from the combined energies of the crystals you use, how you lay them out and... more »

Harnessing the Mystical Power of Crystals

Harnessing the Mystical Power of Crystals

Carla Carla August 17th, 2023 6 minute read MUST READS FOR BEGINNERS

Crystals have captivated human fascination for centuries, with their alluring beauty and reputed mystical properties. These timeless gems have been revered across cultures and civilizations, cherished not only for their aesthetic appeal but also for their... more »

Crystal Jewellery: The Healing Powers of Nature's Treasures

Crystal Jewellery: The Healing Powers of Nature's Treasures

Carla Carla July 29th, 2023 6 minute read MUST READS FOR BEGINNERS

Crystal jewellery has transcended the boundaries of fashion and transformed into a powerful tool for personal growth and healing. As more individuals seek holistic approaches to wellness, the mesmerizing world of crystals has captured hearts and minds... more »

How to Pick the Perfect Healing Crystal & Find the Best Online Crystal Shop

How to Pick the Perfect Healing Crystal & Find the Best Online Crystal Shop

Carla Carla May 29th, 2023 8 minute read MUST READS FOR BEGINNERS

Hey there, crystal enthusiasts! Are you ready to dive into the fascinating world of healing crystals? Choosing a new crystal can be an exhilarating adventure, but we understand that it can also feel a tad overwhelming, especially when you can't... more »

How Do Crystals Work? The Science Behind Crystals

How Do Crystals Work? The Science Behind Crystals

Carla Carla June 12th, 2022 8 minute read MUST READS FOR BEGINNERS

How Do Crystals Work? The power of crystals and their ability to transmit the Earth’s energy to improve the human condition has been attested to for thousands and thousands of years. From the time of the ancient Sumerians up to the present New Age... more »

Broken Crystals - What Does It Mean If You Break Or Lose A Crystal?

Broken Crystals - What Does It Mean If You Break Or Lose A Crystal?

Carla Carla June 12th, 2022 4 minute read MUST READS FOR BEGINNERS

What Does It Mean If You Break Or Lose A Crystal? What Can You Do With a Broken Crystal? Broken crystals can sometimes mean nothing, since it was more than likely broken off of a larger crystal, in the first place, or can mean a lot. Is it an omen of... more »

How To Use A Crystal Pendulum .

How To Use A Crystal Pendulum .

June 5th, 2022 6 minute read MUST READS FOR BEGINNERS

How To Use A Crystal Pendulum Proponents of the power a crystal pendulum holds attest to its amazing ability to heal and purify the mind and body. The art of divination with pendulums is also widely acknowledged by many cultures and religions, including... more »